Free Pattern

Crochet Kits


Christmas Tree Ornaments Crochet Pattern

I made these Christmas Tree ornaments last year. It are a wreath, lollipop, candy cane, candy and a little house. The pattern has been sold for a while on Etsy and is as of today also available on Amazon for the Kindle Fire and other e-readers.

Crocheted Carpet

My mother-in-law gave two big boxes filled with yarns. (Recycled yarns and leftovers). I used it to create this beautiful carpet. It's 160 x 110 cm.

I used a 19mm crochet hook to crochet approx 12 to 15 strands of yarn together. It's colourful and soft.


Sammy the Dog

On Ravelry can you admire dolls made with this pattern.Like this Sammy made by Jennifer (Purseho on Ravelry):

And this one by Neenjean:

Thank you for allowing me to use your pictures :)